IP External Fire Test

Test Details


Test Purpose

A stack of unfinished or finished articles as they appear in the manufacturing line is placed on a non-combustible surface (steel grate) above a lattice of dried wood soaked with diesel fuel or equivalent source. A wire basket or clamps may be used to hold the articles in place. Sufficient fuel is used to provide a 30-minute fire. The fire is ignited and the material is observed for: a) Evidence of detonation, deflagration or explosion of the total contents; b) Potentially hazardous fragmentation; and c) Thermal effects (i.e. size of the fireball, etc.). Outcome can determine the in-process hazard division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4.


Similar in test principle to UN Series 6 (c), with the exception that articles are tested without packaging, as they are or may be found in the process, including during process upset.


Key Parameters

Key Parameter Objective Origin Specs
Configuration of articles Simulate a specific in-process configuration (requiring administrative controls to maintain) or a worst-case configuration (confined, random orientation) Articles placed in a worst-case configuration (e.g. side-by-side, end-to-end, and/or in a pile)
Quantity of articles Provide a sufficient quantity of product to enable characterization of any dangerous effect
Fuel type (wood, liquid, or gas), configuration, and quantity Create a fire of sufficient intensity and duration that engulfs the product to enable characterization of any dangerous effects
Witness screen size, placement, and materials of construction Evidence of fragment energy, and a standard reference point for judging distances Three 2m x 2m x 2mm 1100-0 aluminum sheets (Brinell Hardness 23, tensile strength 90 MPa), or equivalent


Indicators Detection Method Assessment*
Mass explosion Observation of consumption rate, video camera evidence, and visual post test inspection. Optional use of blast gauges and high-speed video. Comparing observations against the definition of a mass explosion hazard (substantial proportion of the whole [Subjective] explodes) [Mass/ high explosion hazard: IP Division 1.1]
Potentially hazardous projections Damage to the witness screens; field sampling/ cataloging Potentially hazardous projections [Fragmentation hazard: IP Division 1.2]
Fireball, jet of flame, or fiery projections Observation of test; video camera evidence (reference marker: witness screens) Mass fire hazard [Mass fire hazard: IP Division 1.3]
No mass reaction hazard Observation of test; video camera evidence [No mass reaction hazard: IP Division 1.4]
Reaction is non-propagating and less than 1.0 lbs Net Explosive Weight Observation of test; video camera evidence [No reaction propagation hazard: Qualified IP Division 1.4 or 1.4Q]

*Assessments are taken together to determine the hazard division.

HD 1.1 Example Video

HD 1.2 Example Video

HD 1.3 Example Video

HD 1.4 Example Video

HD 1.4S Example Video